Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Me dropping a subject

Assalamualaikum. After three months of hiatusing, I finally get the chance to update my deadly blog. So, as you can see, the last entry that I posted was on January, three months ago, and I decided to write again. Shall I begin with ...

I find it hard studying in second semester in year one. I feel like I lost my mood to study. For the first sixth week of semester two, I can assure you that I did nothing other than having fun. I had a lotta fun for six weeks, and at week seven, I started to study things that I've prolly missed. Especially, Mechanics of Material, we call it as MOM. I admit, I may look down for this subject. At first, I thought this subject can be learnt within few days. Yes, it is possible. But how can four chapters being covered in only two days? Unless, I'm a genius. But the fact is I am NOT. That's the real fact that I have to accept. I started learning MOM on six which is on Sunday. And I started I mean like real starting to study at week seven where we were given mountain of assignments, projects and so on to be done. How possible would I study all those things within a day?

I had Ordinary Differential Equation's exam at week 6, I had MOM and Construction Engineering's exam at week seven, and week 8 which is this week, the week that I'm typing something on my blog NOW, is MID SEM HOLIDAY. So, how could that possibly be done within a week? I'm not genius, I repeat.

I can say almost all the exams I've done, none satisfies me till today. ODE, I couldn't do it, I did halfway or quarter way for all the questions given. Construction Engineering, I did not realise there was one question on a back page. I didn't flip the sheets. After the exam finished, my friend said, "I didn't do question number four" ( in a way of I did, but not sure whther it's right or the other way round"), and so, the question sheet was on my hand, and I was like "eh ada eh question 4?" and the looked on to the sheet, I was shocked that I didn't realise that there was last question on the back of the page. I had nothing to say. And the next day, was MOM. Like usual, I couldn't do MOM, I didn't study and I know I couldn't understand sepatah haram of what MOM is trying to tell us. Maybe, MOM should be learned slowly. Not laju2 like I did that day, because I was so scared that I might not finished the syllabus included in the exam, so what I basically did was went through the page like it has to be read and not to be understood, I tell you, MOM is something to do with calculations. All you need to do is get the concept right, do exercises and memorise the formula. And I didn't do all of the above. So I deserve this. I think am just too late to start studying. And I'm thinking of dropping MOM's subject... Shall I? We'll see. :)

Thanks for reading.
p/s: malas menaip. haha

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

update january


Hurm, I don't know what to post. I seriously have no idea on what to brag about. I do not have gossips to share, even if I have, I'd want it to be posted on my private blog. Anyway, I'm just curious, we've already moved on to 2012 years. And am I still 19, or am I 20? Do I have to round up my age eventhough I know that I am STILL NINETEEN!! My 19th birth date was about four months ago, and I really think that I have the right to consider myself as a teenager, nineteen. Hehe. So yeah, I'm nineteen. Lalala..

Seeing people getting married, having babies makes me feel like having one as well. Wondering, who's gonna be my groom on my wedding day?! Is he someone I already knew, know or going to know soon? Ohh stoppp it Wina,you're just 19 (hehehe). You haven't finished your first year studying, stop dreaming ~.~ Oh hello, now I admit that I'm 20. Huhuuu. :P

Okayy forget bout the wedding, marriage thingy. Let's turn over the page, lol. Bout my studies, oh Gosh. Lately, I'm having that curiousness, kerisauanness (hahah) tahap gaban bout my exam. I'm not sure whether or not I'll get good result. To be honest, yes, I have once thought or to be exact aimed to get the Dean's List, but after I have done the exam, I lost my confidence. Satu by satu the test is done, satu by satu jugalah my confidence hilang. I don't know how to convince myself to at least achieve above 3.0 pointer. I feel suck doing the finals. Each and everytime I did my final exam, this will happen, definitely will happen, I tell you. Heh. But I know, Allah Maha Mengasihani dan Maha Adil, He knows what I have done. Please, Ya Allah. Makbulkan doa aku ya Allah. (only He knows what I really want)

okay bye :) *thanks for reading though I know no one is reading this. lol

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Studyweek

Hi there. Study week has finally arrived. Somehow someway, 1st semester is going to be off soon, very soon. See, whether I'll make use to this study week or otherwise, hopefully I will.

Well, what should I share here? Few updates.

  1. Wishlist. I have already owned what I wanted.
  2. Alhamdulillah, for what God has grant to me.
  3. Dean's List? InsyaAllah. I'm aiming for 3 pointer and above. I'm not that bright to aiming for 3.5 above. -.-"
  4. I need a true path. Ya Allah.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I need to write more seriously

walau raga kita terpisah jauh, namun hati kita selalu dekat, bila kau rindu pejamkan matamu, dan rasakan aku :)

I really need to write more about my life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My own style of facial treatment

I did some facial treatment on my face just now. Have you ever heard of 'corong resdung' before? You know how the thing works? I don't have any sinus problem but lately I'm having this kind of allergy that makes my face itchy and I have to consume medicines. It usually happens after I finished eating. If you're thinking that I might have some allergies to some food, then why on earth even I eat pau kaya, my face will get itchy, especially on the eyes and nose, does it make any sense? I eat fish, pau, veges, or etc, the result is still the same.

So I turned out buying that corong resdung to try out if maybe I have sinus. And after I have done with that treatment, the result is the same. So I'm quite worried because because of this allergy, it leads to flu, fever, cough, asthma. I don't want this to happen.

And you know what I like to lay on bed immediately after eating and my tummy is flabby and I'm sick with it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lifeless week

Last week was a very hectic week for me. I didn't get enough sleep, and I was restless. And I learnt and thought a lot.

last week brought me to a boring-and-lifeless life, where all I got to do was facing to the alphabets, figures and lines. Okay, here is the story. Two weeks ago which was deepavali, I got one week holidays which some of the classes on a particular day has to do a replacement. And as you all know, we, as a university student will be given an assignment or such to do during the holidays. For engineering drawing class, we were given a CAD assignment where we were all kinda shock seeing the 'pelan' of our assignment. We had to draw back the drawing given using AUTOCAD's software. And the drawing was a bridge plan, Penang Bridge. WHAT THE FISH. Okay whatever.
it took me for 4 days and nights to finish one drawing since I have no basic at all, luckily my cousin came over to my house to teach on how to use the autocad, but still don't expect that I will settle one drawing in three hours, because I am no good okey. So yeah one drawing is settled in four days. We had three more drawings to finish. Whatthehellaweh!

Last week I got test, I was on hols for a week and I knew that I had test on two days before the test. WTF that I wasted my time doing the CAD and there were two chapters I need to cover in that test and I had no more time weh. So at the end my life was restless and sleepless lastweek.

When the lecturers are donating more assignments that needs to be passed up on that week juga, WTF and I hate it cause I don't understand what the lecturers' taught last week because I had the worst week lastweek that I did not get enough sleep. Whatever again

So all in all yes I got sick and bye because I hate chu •things that are in my mind now•

Monday, October 17, 2011


Hello there. Aku di sini menanti cuti yang bakal tiba hujung minggu ni. Sesungguhnya, kem yang patut aku hadiri ditangguhkan ke hari lain. Apakah aku patut rasa okay atau sebaliknya? I don't like the camp. Tapi, aku nak benda tu cepat habis. Haih